After having a judge uphold our Proposition for Term Limits and it being placed on the ballot for November 6th, the Mayor and Council and a PAC called "We love Arlington Texas" kicked in $400,000 dollars to blanket the city with information to Vote NO on the Term Limits. 

They also filed a counter lawsuit claiming 146 resolutions that we did which makes the Proposition E unlawful.  Several of these resolutions want us to turn over all the names and all information of volunteers who helped collect the citizens signatures (that's one) and any volunteers who said anything derogatory about the Mayor or Council when we were collection signatures (another resolution). This includes addresses, phone numbers, current and previous employers etc. They say citizens did not know what they were signing.  Of course, they don't mention that on the top of each and every page was the entire proposition language! It seems in this age, individual people are not held accountable for signing their name to anything.  When we were gathering signatures we almost never had to say anything to people except "would you look at our petition for Term Limits on our Mayor and City Council".  They would almost run to the table to sign.

Please let your friends and neighbors in Arlington know that what they are doing is spending a fortune to hold onto jobs that pay only $200 a month and requires endless hours of work.  One newly sworn in Council person said at the last evening Council meeting (I think accidently, given the looks she got from the Mayor and other Council members) "I spent $40,000 of my own money apart from money donated to get this Job?!?!? Which begs the question on my mind and a lot of other people, what else do you get that makes it worth so much!


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